Writing poetry

Foundation Ideas

I used a simple power point to introduce penguin poetry to nursery aged children penguins We sang them together and acted them out. Then we wrote a simple list poem about how a penguin would move.

I did a similar session with reception except focused on how different birds might move after watching different birds on you tube such as dancing flamingos http://youtu.be/KW8GX2n4qbY and then just writing very simple lines of description:

eg. Pink flamingos dancing on their toes.

Heads held high

Like ballet dancers

Year 1:

Year 1 pupils wrote a narrative poem based on Chocolate Cake by Michael Rosen http://youtu.be/7BxQLITdOOcc and we then ate chocolate buttons and imagined what it would have been like to creep through the house to find the hidden box of chocolates. Year 2 wrote our own version of Ten things found in a  Wizard’s pocket by Ian McMillan https://performapoem.lgfl.org.uk/public/poems/mcmillan_poem.pdf

Our version was about 10 things we would find in Willy Wonka’s hat! I brought a top hat with lots of different sorts of chocolate in it and then the more able pupils worked on their own poems and the less able worked in a group with myself or the class teacher. Here is what they wrote:


Year 6 ideas:

I wanted to tell you about the Year 6 pupils who spent a lesson worked on War Poetry based on the evocative picture book The Rabbits by Shaun Tan:


We looked at the image below and discussed what we felt was happening and how the characters felt. We then re-enacted the scene and collected our ideas to explore the emotions:

War poetry 002
War poetry 007
War poetry 005

If I had more time we would have listened to Kenneth Branagh reading Dulce Et Decorum Est by Wilfred Owen. http://youtu.be/ghUFB2WZD6A


The pupils then had the rest of the session to construct their own poems using the page about fear from Descriptosaurus to help them construct their lines. Here are a few that they produced. They were so focused and spent time thinking about how each line flowed into each other. They emailed me some of their finished work and I was really impressed by their thoughtfulness and care with the language and ideas they used!

War poetry 025
War poetry 024
War poetry 022
War poetry 019
War poetry 015
War poetry 014
War poetry 012